1st cycle of the AITHENA project completed

The mid-term review of the AITHENA project took place in Brussels on 18 June 2024, hosted by the IRU partner.

The main objectives of the review meeting were to present to the CINEA/EC representatives the work done, the results obtained, and the outcomes achieved by the AITHENA 17 consortium partners, under the leadership of the coordinator – Vicomtech. The reporting period covered the 1st AITHENA cycle (18 months).

Here you can find the summary and main points of the results of the AITHENA Work Packages of the 1st cycle:

WP1 METHODOLOGY: AI Human-centric approach

  • Developed the AITHENA methodology
  • Completed the user survey to identify the needs of people inside and outside an AI-based CCAM vehicle

WP2 DATA: Life cycle management and generation

  • Defined Data Cards structure
  • Implemented image anonymization methods

WP3 XAI: Explainable Continuous Model Development

  • Developed life-cycle management framework for ML models
  • Developed and tested model cards

WP4 TOOLS and testing facilities

  • Defined requirements for the toolchain development
  • Identified and proposed toolchain solutions

WP5 DEPLOY & TEST: AI-based CCAM Deployment – integration on operation and end user validation

  • Developed testing and evaluation methodology for AI-driven CCAM systems
  • Provided initial use case evaluation

WP6 IMPACT: Exploitation, Dissemination and Standardisation

  • Created visibility for the project outputs
  • Interacted with stakeholder communities and published initial results in peer-reviewed journals

WP7 MANAGE: Innovation and Project Management

  • Developed management and communication tools
  • Established internal management procedures and processes