AIthena consortium partners met in San Sebastian

The AIthena consortium partners met on 11-12 May in San Sebastian, Spain. The first, after the KoM, face to face meeting gathered representatives from all 17 partners in-person and online, and it was hosted by Vicomtech, the AIthena coordination team.

For two days the AIthena Work Packages, Tasks and Use Cases leaders and representatives reported status of ongoing activities in building trustworthy, explainable, and accountable AI-based CCAM technologies, as well as discussed plans, next steps, and potential challenges in the project’s implementation.

Day one started with opening words from Dr. Oihana Otaegui, Director of Transport & Security Division at Vicomtech and AIthena coordinator, followed by presentations of WPs: WP1 METHODOLOGY, WP2 DATA, WP3 XAI, WP4 TOOLS, WP5 DELPOY & TEST.

Next, AIthena partners visited Vicomtech facilities where a Vicomtech test vehicle was presented. Second part of day one was dedicated to AIthena four Use Cases:

  • UC-1 Trustworthy Perception Systems for CCAM.
  • UC-2 AI extended Situation Awareness/Understanding.
  • UC-3 Trustworthy and Human understandable Decision-making.
  • and UC-4 AI-based Traffic management.

Day two continued with WP6 IMPACT activities including AIthena presence at coming, relevant events, as well as plans for future communication and dissemination activities. Then, MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) Data were discussed and finally WP7 MANAGE presented internal management procedures and processes.

Photo credit @ AIthena consortium

This week, on 22-24 May 2023 AIthena project is represented by the Vicomtech team at the ITS European congress which takes place in Lisbon.

Attending the #ITSLisbon2023? Visit Vicomtech team at stand B29 at exhibition part. More information about AIthena presence at ITS European congress you find here.

Follow AIthena Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to be informed about the project developments and subscribe to the newsletter here. Soon we will be presenting all 17 partners and their work and contribution to creating trustworthy, explainable, and accountable AI-based CCAM technologies – AIthena.