Use Cases

Use Case 1

Trustworthy Perception Systems for CCAM

UC-1 Trustworthy Perception Systems for CCAM​

Perception components receive raw data from sensors (e.g., cameras, LIDAR, ultrasonics), and apply AI methods to extract objective information (e.g., presence, distance and classes of surrounding objects, driver status, etc.). Trusted AI is needed to understand which objects (classes) are perceived, how different sensor information is used (redundancy, fusion), and how possible discrepancies are solved.​


Enable use in safety-critical applications where pedestrian detection is in the safety-critical path. Enabling the system to be used in an open context.


Reliable Pedestrian Detection in Urban Environments​
Aim: Enable use in safety-critical applications where pedestrian detection is in the safety-critical path. Enabling the system to be used in an open context.​

Approach towards trustworthy AI: ​

  • Reliable pedestrian detection based on multiple sensor modalities (redundancy) and by using safety mechanisms. Time Coherent multisensor fusion ​
  • Explainable Layers: Neural Network Intermediate Representations​
  • Visualization of conflicting perception and training on data with bad lighting/bad weather​
– Trustworthy Perception Systems for CCAM

Trusted AI is needed to understand which objects are perceived? How different sensor information is used? How possible discrepancies are solved?

UC-1 Leader:
ika | RWTH
Partners involved:

Use Case 2

AI extended Situational Awareness / Understanding

UC-2 AI extended Situational Awareness / Understanding​
Information from perception layers, communications and map information is merged into Local Dynamic Maps (LDM), to interconnect layers (from static to dynamic) to reach accurate and complete knowledge about the scene. AI models can be used to learn to predict possible evolutions of the scene and predict collisions or other situations. Trusted AI is needed to understand what data was used to train the predictors, and which edge-cases are covered.​
Demonstrator 1​
Demonstrator 1​

Collision prediction with Hybrid AI data fusion models​

Aim:  Test robustness and trustworthiness in difficult perception situations such as occlusion and bad lighting/weather conditions, with specific predictive collision detection situations.​

Approach towards trustworthy AI: ​

  • Implementing data fusion for robustness against occlusions – handle continuity / time consistency (hybrid AI models of Work Package 3) ​
  • Training on data with bad lighting/bad weather and other edge-cases (real and synthetic data from Work Package 2 activities)​
Demonstrator 2
Demonstrator 2

Robust Prediction modules for Robo-taxi in urban environment ​

Aim: Trustworthy and robust prediction of traffic participant’s indented motion enabling a safe and predictable operation of robo-taxis. ​

Approach towards trustworthy AI: ​

  • Optimal combination of AI and physics-based approaches enabling large-prediction horizons together with computational efficient implementations ​
  • Validation for trustworthiness of AI through the usage of XiL testing methodologies together with test data collection and analysis ​
  • Seamless transition from virtual and simulation environments to the embedded, real-time platforms using container-based development approach​
  • Safety SW platform capable of embedded real-time container execution and fault-tolerant decision-making subsystem concept​
– AI extended situation awareness and understanding

AI needs to understand communications, map information and perception layers. This includes understanding local dynamic maps (LDM) with accurate and complete knowledge about the scene.

UC-2 Demonstrator 1 Leader:
Partners involved:
TUE / Einhoven
UC-2 Demonstrator 2 Leader:
Virtual Vehicle Research
Partners involved:

Use Case 3

Trustworthy and Human understandable Decision-making

UC-3 Trustworthy and Human understandable Decision-making​
Once the situation is understood by the system and predictions have been made, a decision about path planning and manoeuvre execution can be taken to maximize safety, comfort, eco-driving or other mission variables. Trustworthiness is required for AI components running or supporting the decision, so the user understands why, when and how an automated driving decision is taken.​
Combine Machine Learning (ML) decision-making with human understandable definitions of traffic rules encoded in the HD Maps. Decisions are visualized (if possible) such that human occupants get the chance to understand them before they are executed by the AI.

Explainable and robust decision making (manoeuvre and trajectory)​

Aim: Combine ML decision-making with human understandable definitions of traffic rules encoded in the HD Maps. Decisions are visualized (if possible) such that human occupants get the chance to understand them before they are executed by the AI.​

Approach towards trustworthy AI:​

  • Develop fusion models for decision-making using perception, localisation, HD Maps and external information via V2X communication​
  • Improve situation awareness using Hybrid AI system (knowledge and data-driven AI)​
  • Human-aligned agent​
– Trustworthy and human understandable decision making

AI path planning and manoeuvring execution should maximize safety, comfort, and eco-driving. The user understands why, when, and how a decision is taken.

UC-3 Leader:
ika | RWTH
Partners involved:
TUE / Einhoven

Use Case 4

AI based Traffic management

UC-4 AI based Traffic management ​
To understand the causality between the AI behaviour of AVs and the network performance in terms of efficiency, safety, and sustainability.​
Define a benchmark/reference for desired/acceptable behaviour and/or minimal driving performance expectations.​
Analyse the response of AI-models to traffic management data, at strategic, tactical, and operational levels.
At transport-level, applications such as traffic management interact with AI-based systems running at vehicle-level. The capabilities and behaviour of these AI models need to be analysed in macroscopic scenarios with interaction with other AI and non-AI systems. Trustworthiness is gained by benchmarking “good behaviour” of AI models in transport-level contexts.​

AI Models and Traffic Management​

Aim: the capabilities of the AI models will be tested and evaluated in use cases particularly relevant for traffic management and road authorities. The decisions of AI models in response to the data are of special interest. To assess this, the behaviour of the vehicle will be benchmarked against what is considered good behaviour as defined by the rules of the road.​

Approach towards trustworthy AI:​

  • Prepare data sets with real traffic management data​
  • Real-world data will serve as a starting point, for example from deployed traffic systems, data from national access points, weather data and databases of road operators​
  • Define good behaviour patterns according to road rules​
  • Create causality, transparency and predictability indicators ​
– AI based traffic management

AI models are analysed in macroscopic scenarios with interaction with other AI and non-AI systems. Trustworthiness is gained by benchmarking “good behaviour” of AI models in transport level contexts.

UC-4 Leader:
Partners involved:
Ruprecht Consult